Section 1. Conferences
The annual Conference of the Association shall be held during the spring of each year at a site and date determined by the Executive Committee.The Vice President shall be responsible for notifying all members of the date and location of the annual Conference at least sixty (60) days prior to the Conference. The annual business meeting shall be held in conjunction with the annual Conference. The Vice President of the Association will be in charge of the program for this conference.
Section 2. Calendar
The fiscal year of the Association shall begin July 1.
Section 3. Fees
A. A registration fee will be assessed to all who register for the annual Conference each year. Those who pay this fee will be members until the next INAIR Conference. The registration fee may be waived for Emeriti members and the Vice President, based on the latter’s time commitment for planning the conference. Emeriti members are determined by the Executive Committee. The registration fee will also be waived for up to two people who won the best paper award the prior year.
B. A membership fee will be established by the Executive Committee and assessed with the conference registration. Persons unable to attend the annual meeting but who wish to be members may pay the membership fee only. Members are entitled to receive all communications.
C. Each year before December 15 the fee structure shall be reviewed and established for the following year by the Executive Committee.
Section 4. Committees
A. A Nominating Committee, chaired by the Immediate Past President of the Association and composed of at least two other members, shall be appointed by the President no later than November 1st before each annual Conference.
B. A Membership Committee, chaired by one of the Executive Committee Members-at-Large, may be composed of a maximum of three (3) members, at least two (2) of whom shall be on the Executive Committee. This committee shall be responsible for attracting members to the Association and encouraging local, state, and regional activities relevant to the purpose of the Association. The Chair shall recruit and select members of this committee. The chair is also responsible for maintaining a roster of the general membership.
C. A Publications Committee, shall consist of the Secretary, the Immediate Past President, and other members appointed by the President. The Publications Committee will be responsible for communicating with the membership news and information that promotes the work of the profession and of the Association. A minimum of three newsletters shall be distributed during each fiscal year: September, January, and May. The September newsletter shall include the annual membership directory and the Call for Proposals for the spring conference, and shall be sent to current and prior year members. The January newsletter shall include registration materials for the spring conference, and shall be sent to current and prior year members. The membership committee also can recommend other groups of non-members to whom any and all newsletters be sent. The May newsletter shall summarize the spring conference, and shall be sent to current and prior year members.
D. A Conference Planning Committee, chaired by one of the executive committee members-at-large, with guidance from the Vice President, shall be responsible for local arrangements of the Annual Conference.
E. A Web Administration Committee, chaired by one of the executive committee members-at-large, shall be responsible for the creation, design, and maintenance of the INAIR website. The website shall contain the INAIR Constitution, By-Laws, materials for the coming conference, newsletters, and other materials deemed appropriate for sharing broadly.
F. An Audit Committee shall be appointed by the President whenever there is a change in the office of Treasurer. This committee shall audit the Treasurer’s books covering the fiscal periods served by the Treasurer since the previous audit. The committee shall report its results at the annual business meeting. A financial audit shall be conducted a least every five years.
G. Such other committees as deemed necessary for the welfare of the Association may be established by the President.
Section 5. Quorum
A quorum to conduct the business of the Association shall consist of twenty-five (25) percent of the members attending the annual Conference.
Section 6. Parliamentary Procedure
Roberts Rules of Order will govern the conduct of business except where superseded by this Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 7. Compliance with Parent Organization
All proceedings of this organization shall be in compliance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the parent organization, The Association for Institutional Research.